Friday 27 January 2017

Survey Feedback Evaluation

From my survey, I received lots of feedback that would help with my magazine, including details on selling my magazine and its audience. Overall, I received lots of interested in the magazine.
I also received information on the demographic of my magazine, which surprisingly mirrored my target audience (15-25, mostly male but still with female interest).
The feedback on a price range was mostly in favour of the £3-£5, with £1-£3 as a close second, leading me to look for a rough price of £3.
The feedback on the regularity of the magazine leans heavily towards a monthly release, which I agree with, adopting the monthly release for my magazine.
The response on where to sell the magazine showed an overwhelming lean towards independent music shops, leading this to be the main target for purchasing my magazine. I also will take into consideration the runner-up of having it available digitally online as well, as this is an expanding market I could buy into.
The response on the layout of the magazine also showed a preference to the colours of red and white, with a more simplistic non-cluttered look, which was the desired look of my magazine's cover.

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